roser amills y monica pin alvarez en TVE

Catalonia’s most influential journalists

Catalonia is an autonomous community in Spain with its own language and its own media. Many of its most influential journalists do work for local newspapers, radio and TV stations, but the majority do work for Spanish media. This is the case of Andreu Buenafuente or Jordi Evole, who are among the top 3. The … Sigue leyendo Catalonia’s most influential journalists

333 vitamines roser amills y victor amela

Llibre “333 vitamines per a l’ànima” by Roser Amills and Víctor Amela goes on sale

Who said that Catalans are serious and even boring? Roser Amills and Víctor Amela have assembled in this volume more than 300 capsules of Catalan wisdom to feed our soul and to inspire in a positive way every moment. “333 vitamines per a l’ànima” are more of half a thousand quotes of different prominent Catalan … Sigue leyendo Llibre “333 vitamines per a l’ànima” by Roser Amills and Víctor Amela goes on sale

“Los ilustres abogados”, por Quim Monzó

Rumores en Madrid sobre la relación con Catalunya de una candidata a decana del Colegio de Abogados Artículos | 07/12/2012 - 00:00h Quim Monzó | Sigue a este autor en Twitter Una candidata a decana del Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid ha tenido que emitir un comunicado para desmentir los rumores que corren por … Sigue leyendo “Los ilustres abogados”, por Quim Monzó