Si pudiera elegir cómo voy a envejecer, elegiría hacerlo como Louise Bourgeois, como Chavela Vargas o como Patti Smith, gente de mente inquieta, entre otras virtudes. Tienen en común algo envidiable y que se ve poco, a su edad: lucidez cortante, imaginación intensa, rebeldía desbocada. Piensan, crean, lucen sus bigotes y la plenitud sonriente de sus arrugas como y cuando quieren.
Esta última, Patti, vive sola con sus hijas al pie de las Torres Gemelas y padeció su destrucción, pero no está de acuerdo con Bush.además para nada, y ha hecho declaraciones que vienen a cuento una y otra vez, como ésta: «El terrorismo es un estado de ánimo. Son seres humanos tan frustrados, tan privados de sus derechos civiles, que dan su propia vida y, por supuesto, las de otras personas porque no poseen otros recursos. Por tanto son sus propios soldados, no unos maníacos ni unos cobardes, aunque lo que hagan es terrible. Deberíamos incluirlos en una discusión acerca de cómo podríamos coexistir. Esa gente tiene que estar representada, debe ser escuchada, a pesar incluso de que muchos norteamericanos no quieran hacerlo».
lee textos al azar de patti smith
I haven’t fucked much with the past, but I’ve fucked plenty with the future. __Over the skin of silk are scars from the splinters of stations and walls I’ve caressed. __A stage is like each bolt of wood, like a log of Helen, is my pleasure. __I would measure the success of a night by the way by the way by the amount of piss and seed I could exude over the columns that nestled the P.A. __Some nights I’d surprise everybody by skipping off with a skirt of green net sewed over with flat metallic circles which dazzled and flashed. __The lights were violet and white. I had an ornamental veil, but I couldn’t bear to use it. __When my hair was cropped, I craved covering, but now my hair itself is a veil, and the scalp inside is a scalp of a crazy and sleepy Comanche lies beneath this netting of the skin.__I wake up. I am lying peacefully I am lying peacefully and my knees are open to the sun.__I desire him, and he is absolutely ready to seize me. In heart I am a Moslem; in heart I am an American;__In heart I am Moslem, in heart I’m an American artist, and I have no guilt.__I seek pleasure. I seek the nerves under your skin. __The narrow archway; the layers; the scroll of ancient lettuce.__We worship the flaw, the belly, the belly, the mole on the belly of an exquisite whore. __He spared the child and spoiled the rod. I have not sold myself to God.
We explore the men’s room.
We don’t give a shit.
Ladies’ lost electricity;
take vows inside of it.
Desire to dance;
Too startled to try.
Wrap my legs ‘round you,
starting to fly.
Let’s explore
up there, up there, up there,
on the twenty-fifth floor.
Circle all around me,
coming for the kill, kill, kill
oh kill me baby
like a kamikaze
heading for a spill.
oh but it’s all spilt milk to me.
Desire to dance;
Too startled to try.
Wrap my legs ‘round you,
starting to fly.
Let’s soar
up there, up there, up there,
on the twenty-fifth floor.
We do not eat
flower of creation.
We do not eat,
eat anything at all.
Love is, love was, love is a manifestation.
I’m waiting for a contact to call.
Love’s war. Love’s cruel.
Love’s pretty, love’s pretty cruel tonight.
I’m waiting here to refuel.
I’m gonna make contact tonight.
Love in my heart.
The night to exploit.
Twenty-five stories over Detroit,
and there’s more
up there, up there, up there.
stoned in space. zeus. christ. it has always been rock and so it is and so it shall be.
Within the context of neo rock we must open up our eyes and seize and rend the veil of smoke which man calls order.
Pollution is a necessary result of the inability of man to reform and transform waste.
the transformation of waste
the transformation of waste
the transformation of waste
the transformation of waste is perhaps the oldest pre-occupation of man. man being the chosen alloy,
He must be reconnected—via shit, at all cost. inherent with(in) us is the dream of the task of the alchemist to create from the clay of man.
And to re-create from excretion of man pure and then soft and then solid gold.
all must not be art. some art we must disintegrate.
positive (anarchy must exist.)
in background:
(i feel it swirling around me
i feel it feeling no pain
i’m waiting above for you baby
i know that I’ll see you up there
i’m floating in a door backward_on boundaries over this world_i’m waiting above in the sky, dear
upon a [ ] …)
by Patti Smith
Ah! … Como iba diciendo, si pudiera elegir, claro…